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SCC's Comics Talk

Contributions comprise pieces by members of Singapore Comics Community Join us at Singapore Comics Community Group on Facebook if you are not already a member.

Three Concerns In Chasing Slabbed Comics

Three Concerns In Chasing Slabbed Comics

The concept of slabbing collectibles (coins, trading cards, comics, toys, video games) has had its share of (common) problems and controversies over the years. If you are starting or have pondered starting to collect slabbed / third-party graded comics, do be aware of the three concerns below and make a considered decision before slabbing your comics or purchasing slabbed ones.1) You Can't Read the Book Anymore!This is the one thing that amuses me the most when I discuss slabbed comics. Let’s first be clear on what I mean—I really mean that if you remove the book from the (not-unbreakable) slab, you are essentially undoing the grade given by the grading company. That is why people do not remove the book from the slab. Of course, the flipside of this is that you lose one very key reason why the book was to enjoyed and owned in the first place—to be able...

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